Imtiaz Ali

Imtiaz Ali

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display website selective portion in c# application

Sep 27 2016 4:17 PM
Guys i want to make a speedtest application (web based) that when i run main  application it only display the following contents from website.
  1. <div id="st-flash">  
  2. <div class="dfp-ab-leaderboard" id="dfp-ab-leaderboard"></div>  
  3. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="speedtest" name="speedtest" data="" width="728" height="450"><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="menu" value="false"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="scale" value="default"><param name="salign" value="lt"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="flashvars" value="ad=banner&adurl=&showsurvey=1&threads=4&cdnconfig=prod&promo="></object>  
  4. <div id="speed" result_up="0" result_dn="0" result_png="0"></div>  
  5. <script type="text/javascript">  
  6. function test_completed(result_id) {  
  7. var social = document.getElementById('social_result_links');  
  8. if (social) {  
  9. = "inline";  
  10. }  
  11. }  
  12. function promo_completed(download, upload, ping) {  
  13. }  
  14. function test_error() {  
  15. window.location.reload();  
  16. }  
  17. var flashvars = {  
  18. ad: "banner",  
  19. adurl: "",  
  20. showsurvey: "1",  
  21. threads: "4",  
  22. cdnconfig: "prod",  
  23. promo: ""  
  24. };  
  25. var params = {  
  26. bgcolor: "#ffffff",  
  27. quality: "high",  
  28. menu: "false",  
  29. allowScriptAccess: "always",  
  30. scale: 'default',  
  31. salign: 'lt',  
  32. wmode: 'transparent'  
  33. };  
  34. var attributes = {  
  35. id: 'speedtest',  
  36. name: 'speedtest'  
  37. };  
  38. if (swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("10.0.0")) {  
  39. // User has flash  
  40. swfobject.embedSWF("", "flashcontent", "728", "450", "10.0.0", "flash/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);  
  41. //swfmacmousewheel.registerObject(;  
  42. } else {  
  43. if ('true' === 'true') {  
  44. window.location="//" +;  
  45. }  
  46. // don't redirect again  
  47. else if ("noflash=1") == -1) {  
  48. // User does not have flash  
  49. window.location="/?noflash=1";  
  50. }  
  51. }  
  52. </script>  
  53. <div class="ad-eot" id="ad-eot"></div>  
  54. <div class="dfp-eot-large" id="dfp-eot-large"></div>  
  55. <div class="search-eot" id="search-eot">  
  56. <div class="search-eot-search">  
  57. <h3>Search for More Speed</h3>  
  58. <!-- adsense search -->  
  59. <form action="" id="cse-search-box" target="_blank">  
  60. <div>  
  61. <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-1273248303616359:2003744413">  
  62. <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8">  
  63. <input type="text" id="search-eot-input" name="q" size="55" style="border: 1px solid #7e9db9; padding: 2px; background: url("") left center no-repeat #ffffff;">  
  64. <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search">  
  65. </div>  
  66. <input name="siteurl" type="hidden" value=""><input name="ref" type="hidden" value=""><input name="ss" type="hidden" value=""></form>  
  67. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  
  68. <!-- end adsense search -->  
  69. </div>  
  70. <div class="search-eot-ad" id="search-eot-ad">  
  71. <!-- 350x40 ad -->  
  72. </div>  
  73. </div>  
  74. <div class="search-eot" id="bbsearch-eot">  
  75. <div class="search-eot-search">  
  76. </div>  
  77. </div>  
  78. <div class="search-eot" id="ybn-search-eot">  
  79. <!-- 350x125 ad -->  
  80. </div>  
  81. <div class="dfp-eot-small" id="dfp-eot-small"></div>  
  82. <div class="in-test-ad"><a><img></a></div>  
  83. <div class="dfp-in-test-ad"></div>  
  84. <div class="search-eot" id="eot-ad-native"><a><img></a></div>  
  85. </div>  

Answers (4)