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display contents on a textbox on clicking tree node value

Oct 16 2012 12:22 AM
Hi all,
I have a tree view with parent and child nodes. If i click on a nodes, I want the description about that node in a textbox. this should happen for all the nodes. how should I do this.
My code behind I have tried is:

private void fetchtreeview()
DataTable topics = dsSOW.Tables["Tableofcontents$"];
drText = dsSOW.Tables["Tableofcontents" + "$"].Select("Mappingcode is NULL");
if (drText.Length > 0)
foreach (DataRow drItem in drText)
string ss = drItem.ItemArray[1].ToString();
  string ss1 = drItem.ItemArray[0].ToString();
if (ss1 != string.Empty)
TreeNode node = new TreeNode(ss, ss1);
node.PopulateOnDemand = false;
protected void PopulateNode(TreeNode node1)
decimal order = Convert.ToDecimal(node1.Value);
drText = dsSOW.Tables["Tableofcontents" + "$"].Select("Mappingcode='" + order + "'");
if (drText.Length > 0)
foreach (DataRow drItem in drText)
{ string ss = drItem.ItemArray[1].ToString();
string ss1 = drItem.ItemArray[0].ToString();
TreeNode node = new TreeNode(ss, ss1);
DataRow[] drText1 = dsSOW.Tables["Content" + "$"].Select("contentcode='" + ss1 + "'");
if (drText1.Length > 0)
foreach (DataRow drItem1 in drText1)
txtArea.Text = txtArea.Text + drItem1.ItemArray[1].ToString();
snode = node.Value;
if (snode != string.Empty)
drText = dsSOW.Tables["Tableofcontents$"].Select("Mappingcode='" + snode + "'");
if (drText.Length > 0)
TVContent.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "OnTreeClick(event)");
On implementing this code, I am getting the descriptions about the nodes in page load itself.. I want that to appear only after i click the nodes. And i fetch values for description from a dataset.
Please Help.!