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Display child-table data.

Jan 17 2011 3:34 PM

I am new at WPF, nonetheless i am trying to make my own little WPF-application.
You probably already noticed that english is not my native language.
In this application there are two tables in a Database, parent/child-related.
In the parent table there is a key-column that contains article-numbers. Matching to this the child-table has an article-number foreign-key column. Not every article has the same number of child-rows in the child-table.
I have bound the article-number column of the parent table to a combobox.(was quite easy)
But now i would like to display all of the matching child rows in a stackpanel. It would be easy for
me to display them in a GridView.(automatically displays all of the child-rows).
The problem is that the number of child-rows is not the same for every article. This number has to be determined for every article of the parent table.
So once the number of childrows is known, the application should generate the right number of "elements" (maybe labels)
to display the data contained in the child-table on a stackpanel.
So i hope you understand my problem and i'm looking forward to your answers.
Tank you,

Answers (5)