Hardik Kachhia

Hardik Kachhia

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Disable zoom and drag from d3 line graph in WPF C#

Mar 28 2017 6:15 AM
I have created line graph using d3(Dynamic data display) in WPF and it's working fine. But I want to remove zoom and drag facilities from graph. It's zoom on mouse scroll button and also allowed to drag graph. Can you please help me how to prevent this.
<Window x:Class="HMI_Simulator.popupGraph"
Title="Graph" Height="650" Width="900" Background="AliceBlue" Icon="Resources/BHEL_Logo.ico" WindowStartupLocation="CenterOwner" ResizeMode="NoResize" >
<d3:ChartPlotter Name="Plotter" Margin="20,10,20,20">
<d3:HorizontalDateTimeAxis Name="pdateAxis"/>
<d3:VerticalAxisTitle Content="Value"/>
<d3:HorizontalAxisTitle Content="Date"/>
<d3:LineGraph x:Name="lg_popup" Stroke="Blue" StrokeThickness="3"/>
<d3:Header HorizontalAlignment="Center" Name="popGraphHeader" Content=""></d3:Header>