Bineesh  Viswanath

Bineesh Viswanath

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Difference on calling class within a function and Public

Oct 21 2013 1:49 AM
Sir, I need your help in the following topic:-

I here writing two methods of calling a class. Please give a explanation that which is better ,faster performable and more standard

Also tell me which method reduce size of the program?

1.Method 1:

namespace Employer
    public partial class frmRejectionIn : Form
        public frmRejectionIn()

     EmployeeSP SPEmployee=new EmployeeSP();// call class for entire form

2. Method 2:

private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

EmployeeSP SPEmployee=new EmployeeSP(); // call class within the function


private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

EmployeeSP SPEmployee=new EmployeeSP(); //  again called the class within the function


Answers (3)