Deploying .NET 1.1 application on .NET 2.0 machines

Nov 1 2007 4:44 PM

I apologize if this question is already answered in the forum, but I was unable to find an answer.

I just inherited a C# Windows application that was developed under VS.NET 2003, as well as its setup project.  When attempting to deploy to a machine that has only .NET 2.0 framework installed, the installer stops, complaining that .NET framework 1.1 is required. 

Following instructions found on MSDN, I was led to the Supported Runtimes project property, but this property only refers to .NET 1.1 and 1.0. 

I have tried converting the application in VS 2005, and creating a new application setup.  Alas, I can find no options for allowing this new application to install on .NET 1.1.

Can anyone give me some guidance on this issue?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- Dave