Aisha Srivastava

Aisha Srivastava

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Delete table from webbrowser control in windows form app.

Jan 31 2015 3:55 AM
 We have to  delete the table at once not by the given bold code removing each row...
 Please Instruct me it will be a great help...any change in code below is really appreciated...
public void DeleteTable()
mshtmlTable table = null;
mshtmlTableRow row = null;
mshtmlTableCell cell = null;
GetTableElement(out table, out row, out cell);
HtmlElement table1 = getTableHTMLElement();
if (table1 != null)
//foreach (mshtml.IHTMLTableRow row in table1.rows)
// foreach (mshtml.IHTMLTableCell cell in row.cells)
// {
// row.deleteCell();
// }
catch (Exception ex)
throw new HtmlEditorException("Unable to delete a table", "tabledelete", ex);
throw new HtmlEditorException("Table not currently selected ", "tabledelete");

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