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delete item from combo when using a dataviewmanager

Jul 26 2005 11:00 AM

Didn't give it much thought before I got this far but now I need to know how to do it.

Need to delete an item from a combobox. The combo is fill using a table view through DefaultViewManager. the below is the code used to fill the combo. When I try and use the removeAt method of the combobox it tell me I can't cause I'm using the datasource for binding.


dvm.DataViewSettings.Sort = "ERPActNum ASC"; //Sorts the ERP accounts before populating combo box.

this.cobERPAct.DataSource = dvm;
this.cobERPAct.DisplayMember = "tblERPAct.ERPActNum";
this.cobERPAct.ValueMember = "tblERPAct.ERPActDesc";

Thanks in advance,