Naveen Bisht

Naveen Bisht

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Date time culture issue.(German)

Jul 20 2017 3:27 AM
i am reading date form excel the date is in dd/MM/yyyy format in excel,eg. 09/07/2017 but whenever the code publish in server, and it taking german culture then it reading 
the date less then 12 is like MM.dd.yyyy and greate then 12> it is reading dd.MM.yyyy
 above date it reading as 07.09.2017 , so now if i am applying any date coverstion on same it will convert 07 as month, 09 as date, but actual date in excel is 09 is date and 07 is month.
if any one have any soultion please share. 
i have already date.tryprase with culture it is not solution, problem is it taking month as date and date as month  

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