Hi i have one view called DailyVisitReport . it contain 2 fields called FromDate and ToDate. I am generating report depend upon the dates. I am using Crystal Report 2010. In normal Local Machine run it working fine after deploying my application in web server it showing empty report. I will explain my issue clearly.
I upload my application in online using Web server. So I purchased Virtual Private Server from Godaddy. I upload my application in online using Remote desktop connection by purchased web server IP address (from Godaddy).
Before i got one error while generating report after i deploying my application in web server that error is mention below.
The issue is date is not binding correctly. The Date Format which i send to controller is 01-mar-16 from Fromdate and Todate. But the date format which is retrieving from db is different eg 08/12/2016 and also it coming with time.I am saving Date without time in db.But while retrieving it will come with one default time.
So i convert the date format in sql as string format using
Replace(Convert(varchar(50), vf.VisitingDate,6), ' ', '-')As VisitingDate
Advance Thanks.