i have a date column in my table with varchar(50), and i stored the values from front end with format dd/mm/yyyy.and i want to compare the dates like membership_expires between date1 and date2 its giving wrong result set.so i am converting all the variables and columns into date format.Below is my code to convert select membership_expires,count(membership_expires) from membershipregistration where convert(datetime,membership_expires,103) between(select(convert(datetime,@fromdate,103))) and(select(convert(datetime,@todate,103)))group by Membership_Expiresand in the above i a providing @fromdate ,@todate from front end.but its giving below errorThe conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.Please help me on this error and one more thing is if i store dates in
dd-mm-yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy format its working fine instead of dd/mm/yyyy
please help me
thank you...