Hello Team,
I notice in my controller that, it is not loading multiple data with the same Id, ei when I select term one for two or three student, the controller only load one data out of the rest.
public ActionResult getAllFeesPayment() { var dataList = objBasicShoolDBEntities.tblFeesPayments.Join(objBasicShoolDBEntities.tblExams, fee => fee.FeesId, exam => exam.ExamsTermId, (fee, exam) => new { fee = fee, exam = exam }).Join(objBasicShoolDBEntities.tblRegistrationFees, exam => exam.fee.RegistrationId, registration => registration.RegistrationId, (exam, registration) => new { registration = registration, exam = exam }); var modifiedData = dataList.GroupBy(x => new { x.exam.fee.FeesId, x.exam.fee.PaymentDate }).Select(x => new TermlyFeesPaymentViewModel { FeesId = x.Key.FeesId, PaymentDate = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.PaymentDate, FirstName = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.FirstName, LastName = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.LastName, ExamsTermId = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.ExamsTermId, ExamTerm = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.tblExam.ExamTerm, RegistrationId = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.RegistrationId, ClassName = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.tblRegistrationFee.ClassName, Fees = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.tblRegistrationFee.Fees, FeesPaid = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.FeesPaid, Wallet = x.FirstOrDefault().exam.fee.Wallet }).ToList(); return Json(modifiedData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }