Reylin Mathew

Reylin Mathew

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Datatable - How to set height of column in datatable jquery

Jul 27 2020 10:26 PM
This is my code..
  1. dtTest = $('#grddtTest').DataTable({  
  2. "filter"false,  
  3. "paging"false,  
  4. "orderClasses"false,  
  5. "order": [[0, "asc"]],  
  6. "info"true,  
  7. //"bAutoWidth": false,  
  8. "ordering"false,  
  9. "dom"'<"top">rt<"bottom"Bpfli><"clear">',  
  10. "columnDefs": [{ targets: [0, 1], orderable: false },  
  11. "height""500px""targets": 0 }  
  12. // {  
  13. // targets: [1], render: $.emsyne.Utility.ellipsis(50)  
  14. // }  
  15. ],  
  16. "buttons": [{  
  17. }],  
  18. 'responsive'true,  
  19. "bProcessing"true,  
  20. initComplete: function () {  
  21. }  
  22. });  
{ "height": "500px", "targets": 0 } or { "width": "500px", "targets": 0 } //this code is not working
plx help me..
thnkz in advace..

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