pw zeus

pw zeus

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Dataset, DataReader, DataTable and XML

Jul 23 2007 5:15 PM
?Objective: Populate Grid from database

1. I am always giong to use one table so does it make sence to use data table in stead of data set. I can banch mark this but i would like to know your opinion. I have always used dataset so if i use data table now then may be in future i will get stuck with some constrain.

2. is it safe to assume that datatable will give me all those functionalities and properties as dataset.

3. Someone suggested i should use XML files instead, so like when a result set comes back from my database i should carete an xml file and bind that to my grid. As I have not done this before I am not raelly up for it but if i do use it do you think it will be a big performence difference?

4. datareader at all ? as i will be doing inserting , updating deleting

If u r further intrested in my solution then read below:

main objective : display reports in the grid based on selection criteria

report can be 10,000 rows

Currently I m using ASP.NET GridView contrl with AJAX and backend is SQL Server.

On page load I will display all the record in gridview and then filter that on client side.

i will appriciate any suggestions or critics.

all i m doing is trying to be a better developer
