Danish Habib

Danish Habib

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Database Design Requirements

Dec 31 2014 5:01 AM
I have a business Application in which I have Users and There are two types of users (admin,Basic)
There are questions into the system and Questions have types like,single value question,Twovalue Question,FourValue question, the admin role is to assigned targets to these questions like below example
Q#01:No of Schools build into the village
1) ForBoys_______ 2)for Girls_______
The above example shows that it is two value question
for example the admin assign target to above question he set the target value of 40 schools for boys and 45 for girls so the target of first question is 40 for boys and 45 for girls .
Below is the example of four value question types 
Q#02:Number of hospitals build into the city
1)For Boy ______  2) For Girl 3) For Men ___ 4) for women 
This is the four value type questions 
For example the admin set the target for boy(22) for girl(88) for Men(50) for Women(67)

Now the Basic users have to answer these question means they have to answer each question against its target value 
please let me know about the database structure its table and relationship

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