deva datta

deva datta

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dataAdapter Update method columns matching problem

Jul 7 2013 6:24 AM
i have DataTable named dtPurchaseProduct
that has columns
- dtcolPurchaseProduct_No
- dtcolnInvoiceNo
- dtcolnProductNo
- dtcolnProductName
- dtcolnQuantity
- dtcolnPrice
these are bound to datagridview except dtcolnProductNo because only product names are required to be seen
and i have DatabaseTable Named PurchaseProduct
that has columns
- PurchaseProduct_No
- InvoiceNo
- ProductNo
- Quantity
- Price
now after allowing user to add/update/delete the DataTable rows through textboxes
i want to insert these rows to DataBaseTable with DataAdapter
Is it possible to do that? i don't have select command and even the columns are not exactly the same that is i don't have database column for dtlcolnProductName

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