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Data Binding with a Hashtable

Mar 11 2008 3:47 PM
I have a form which is used to add, delete and edit entries containing server details for use in my application. Currently, the values entered into the text boxes on the form are saved when the 'save server' button is clicked, and erased when the 'new server' button is clicked. The servers are displayed in a list box, and when a server is clicked, the fields are updated to show the saved details.

The details are populated from and saved to a Hashtable of Server objects.

I've been looking into data binding, but I can't figure out how to get it to work. There's no database involved, only the hashtable. I could use a dictionary or another type of set if that would make things easier, but what I'd like ideally (if I understand data binding correctly) is for the display of server details to be populated from the data source.

Is what I'm looking for possible?