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Customize MobiScroll Datepicker

Mar 16 2012 12:19 PM
Hi All,

I need to customize Mobiscroll Datepicker.

Currently the Date is in the following format:
Day : 1 2 3 4......
Month : 1 2 3 4....
Year : 91 92 93....

If i select Date from that it will be 13/04/87.

Now my requirement is in UI it should display as follows

Day : 1 2 3 4.....
Month : Jan Feb Mar..... 
Year : 2011  2012  2013.....
& if i select which will be in the same format as 13/04/2011
I am unable to get it where i need to do customize it..

Please find the demo as an attachment & help me out..

Thanks in Advance..

Attachment: mobi.rar

Answers (1)