Gail Cooper

Gail Cooper

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Custom Validators & Server Side Prodcedures

Mar 16 2009 10:17 AM


I'm new to all this and am having huge difficulty with the following piece of code, what I'm aiming for in this is to validate a TextBox (editCallBack) based on the selected value of a drop down list (editStatusTextBox) - If editStatusTextBox = "Call Attempt 1" or editStatusTextBox = "Call Attempt 2" and then editCallBack must have a value, what I'm getting with the below code is the error message thrown up if I have a value in editCallBack, not if its null :(


<%@ Page Language="C#" %>

<script runat="server">

void Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


if (Page.IsValid)


Label1.Text = "Page is Valid";




Label1.Text = "Page Not Valid";







void ValidateNumber(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)



















if ((Eval(editCallBack.Text) == null) && this.editStatusTextBox.Text == "Call Attempt 1")




args.IsValid = false;


else if ((Eval(editCallBack.Text) == null) && this.editStatusTextBox.Text == "Call Attempt 2")


args.IsValid = false;







catch (Exception ex)


args.IsValid = false;














<form id="Form1" runat="server">



<asp:DropDownList ID="editStatusTextBox" runat="server"

CausesValidation="True" >

<asp:ListItem Selected="true" Value="Call Attempt 1" Text="Call Attempt 1"/>

<asp:ListItem Value="Call Attempt 2" Text="Call Attempt 2"/>

<asp:ListItem Value="Contacted - Interested" Text="Contacted - Interested"/>

<asp:ListItem Value="Contacted - Not Interested" Text="Contacted - Not interested"/>

<asp:ListItem Value="Callback Required" Text="Callback Required"/>

<asp:ListItem Value="Not in Business" Text="Not in Business"/>

<asp:ListItem Value="Number not in use" Text="Number not in use"/>

<asp:ListItem Value="Using alternative product" Text="Using alternative product"/>

<asp:ListItem Value="Nurture" Text="Nurture"/>



<asp:TextBox id="editCallBack"



<asp:CustomValidator id="CustomValidator1"

runat="server" ControlToValidate="editCallBack"

ErrorMessage="You must enter a Date"




<asp:Button id="Button1" onclick="Button1_Click"

runat="server" Text="Button"></asp:Button>



<asp:Label id="Label1" runat="server"></asp:Label>



