Sameer Khan

Sameer Khan

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Custom Table Error

Apr 20 2015 7:46 AM
Error Message is
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Multiple controls with the same ID 'trHop0' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.
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 DataSet ds3 = new DataSet();
                            ds3 = objOrd.Get_Hop_Period_Data(EmpCode);
                            for (int k = 0; k < ds3.Tables[0].Rows.Count; k++)
                                TableRow trHop = new TableRow();
                                trHop.ID = "trHop" + k;
                                trHop.Height = 25;
                                trHop.CssClass = "table";
                                trHop.Width = new Unit("100%");
                                int Number = k + 1;
                                TableCell tcSr = new TableCell();
                                tcSr.ID = "tcSr" + k;
                                tcSr.CssClass = "label";
                                tcSr.Width = new Unit("10%");
                                tcSr.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
                                tcSr.Text = Convert.ToString(Number);
                                TableCell tcComm = new TableCell();
                                tcComm.ID = "tcComm" + k;
                                tcComm.CssClass = "label";
                                tcComm.Width = new Unit("10%");
                                tcComm.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
                                tcComm.Text = ds3.Tables[0].Rows[k]["COMM_NAME"].ToString();
                                TableCell tcDesg = new TableCell();
                                tcDesg.ID = "tcDesg" + k;
                                tcDesg.CssClass = "label";
                                tcDesg.Width = new Unit("10%");
                                tcDesg.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
                                tcDesg.Text = ds3.Tables[0].Rows[k]["DESG_NAME"].ToString();