Custom Listview Control

Feb 10 2006 11:26 AM
Hi, i'm Carlos from mérida, yucatán, méxico.

I'm beginining with C# and i already made a database application (MySQL). But now, i want to grow in my knowledge of C# and i'm trying to do a custom control.

What allegedly will do my custom control?? Well, for my application i used a listview to show the database information instead a datagrid. I populate the listview in my app but now, due for my further applications are very similars i want to create a "bind" listview to a mysql table. Additionally my custom control contains a customizable label that works like a title of my listview (like the title of a frame control with background, font type, font color, etc.). At this time, the visual part of my control is achieved, but now i face my first dude, how exactly i will managed the events of my custom listview (that i name BindListView)??. I mean, i want that the BindLlistview preserve the events of the inner listview, for example, SelectedItemChanged event that returns the last selected item in the listview, but i don't know how. My custom listview inherit from the UserControl class.

I'll appreciate your help. Have a nice day...

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