Krishna Kumar

Krishna Kumar

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Create MSI with multiple installers with VS Installer

Feb 26 2018 10:22 PM
I have created a msi pakage using visual studio installer projects 2015 to install my application in client machine. i have and deployed it and it is working successfully.
Now, i want to add prerequisites to be installed before the installation of application.

Those are
1. flash player
2. .net framework 4.5
3. crystal reports for .net framework 32 bit.

Is it possible to create an msi setup by the above files are being installed before the application installs
I have used prerequisites option in the project properties to add .net framework 4.5 as prerequisite and selected the radio button as Download Prerequisite from the same location as my application.
But when i am building the project it gives an error. You must download the file to your local machine.
I have downloaded the file from Microsoft and placed in my application. But it is giving the same error.

can anyone suggest me how to add the prerequisites to the application using visual studio installer projects. 

Answers (3)