Barbara Barbara

Barbara Barbara

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Create a program with a questions

Apr 10 2020 5:09 AM
i want to create a program at the beginning greet me and ask me which exercise I want to perform by telling me you can choose from 1 to (where I arrived). once chosen he writes me the description (summary)of what the exercise does and asks me to continue, then the little program I made starts. At the end of the execution he asks me if I want to close or continue with another exercise, if I choose to continue I must choose the exercise I want to do and so on. Can u help please?

static void Main(string[] args)
/// <summary>
/// Stampa ciao e nome su due righe
/// </summary>
public static void Exercise1()
Console.WriteLine("the end...");

/// <summary>
// stampare la somma di 2 numeri
/// </summary>
public static void Exercise2()
Console.WriteLine(40 + 20);

Answers (1)