Atta Kumah

Atta Kumah

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Create a List of Users

Sep 26 2019 2:44 AM
I want to Design MVC application For My user.
How can i make a list to add two or more users in one row
Below is example
ID       Time       Name       Age       Number       Status
2          8:30pm    John         23             3                Done (Have 3 users in one rown)
2          8:35pm    Seidu       30             2                Done (Have 2 users in one row)
2          8:40pm    Goda       30             5                Done (Have 5 users in one row)
public class Customer
public int UserID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
Please any humble contribution is happily welcome
Counting on your Kindly Consideration

Answers (2)