In VB6 I can set a reference to word then create a word.application and find and replace brackets in a word template.I try and do the same thing in and it does not work .this is my usual VB6 code does anyone know what is wrong Dim mWord As Word.ApplicationSet mWord = New Word.Application
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass'get the correct template
mWord.Documents.add (App.Path & "\" & "")
'Replace the fields from the textboxesmWord.Selection.Find.Execute findtext:="[ID]", replacewith:=txtclientnumber, Replace:=wdReplaceAllmWord.Selection.Find.Execute findtext:="[TITLE]", replacewith:=txtdetails(0).Text, Replace:=wdReplaceAllmWord.Selection.Find.Execute findtext:="[INITIALS]", replacewith:=txtdetails(14).Text, Replace:=wdReplaceAll mWord.Visible = True