Naimul Shohan

Naimul Shohan

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Could not found assemblay,public key token null

Jul 24 2018 7:19 AM
I am working with csla framework 2.0.vs i am try to run this project in .net framework 4.5.code run well in local machine but when i try to remote this,show an error called assemblay could not found "name of assemblay".
Note:my project is desktop base and the csla version is 2.0 and it's work with .net 4.5(running well on local machine).
works well when comment--- cslaDataPortalProxey. 
code given bellow: 
<add key="CslaAuthentication" value="Csla"/>
<!-- Remoting Start-->
<add key="CslaDataPortalProxy"
value="Csla.DataPortalClient.RemotingProxy, Csla"/>    //use for remoting.
<add key="CslaDataPortalUrl"   //use for local.