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Coordinates from MouseEventArgs

Mar 30 2007 3:02 AM

I have big Image - map and I laid it in PictureBox with scroling and zoom.

I need lay some small pictures on this map.

I use :

Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage( imgMap);

g.DrawImage( imgSmall);

Rectangle rectImgSmall = new Rectangle((int)X, (int)Y, imgSmall.Width, imgSmall.Height);

Region regImgSmall = new Region( rectImgSmall);

But when I work with event MouseClick of pictureBox (there my Region regImgSmall):

private void pictureBox_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
  if(this.regImgSmall.IsVisible(new Point(e.X, e.Y))) {  // Here alway false !



How can I recieve coordinates for my region from coordinates of MouseEventArgs ( e.X, e.Y) ?

Help me please. I'm sorry for my english. 

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