jon smit

jon smit

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converting data into a long object array

Apr 5 2020 4:03 PM
hello still a newbie when it comes to javascript just wondering if anyone can help me to convert this data written out to a long object array thanks..
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
      ['Mon', 28638.9707, 28872.80078, 28627.76953, 28868.80078],
      ['Tue', 28553.33008, 28716.31055, 28500.35938, 28634.88086],
      ['Wed', 28465.5, 28708.01953, 28418.63086, 28703.38086],
      ['Thu', 28639.17969, 28685.5, 28565.2793, 28583.67969],
      ['Fri', 28556.14063, 28866.17969, 28522.50977, 28745.08984],
      ['G', 28851.9707, 28988.00977, 28844.31055, 28956.90039],
      ['f', 28977.51953, 29009.07031, 28789.09961, 28823.76953],
      ['d', 28869.00977, 28909.91016, 28819.42969, 28907.05078],
      ['f', 28895.5, 29054.16016, 28872.26953, 28939.66992],
      ['r', 28901.80078, 29127.58984, 28897.34961, 29030.2207],
      ['t', 29131.94922, 29300.32031, 29131.94922, 29297.64063],
      ['y', 29313.31055, 29373.61914, 29289.91016, 29348.09961],
      ['w', 29269.05078, 29341.21094, 29146.4707, 29196.03906],
      ['q', 29263.63086, 29320.19922, 29172.25977, 29186.26953],
      ['a', 29111.01953, 29190.4707, 28966.98047, 29160.08984],
      ['s', 29230.39063, 29288.78906, 28843.31055, 28989.73047],
      ['a', 28542.49023, 28671.78906, 28440.4707, 28535.80078],
      ['j',  28594.2793, 28823.23047, 28575.75, 28722.84961],
      ['k', 28820.5293, 28944.24023, 28728.18945, 28734.44922],
      ['l', 28640.16016, 28879.71094, 28489.75977, 28859.43945],
      // Treat first row as data as well.
    ], true);

Answers (2)