//get current folder
string curentFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
// Create a WMEncoder object.
WMEncoder Encoder = new WMEncoder();
// Retrieve the source group collection.
IWMEncSourceGroupCollection SrcGrpColl = Encoder.SourceGroupCollection;
// Add a source group to the collection.
IWMEncSourceGroup SrcGrp = SrcGrpColl.Add("SG_1");
IWMEncVideoSource2 SrcVid = (IWMEncVideoSource2)SrcGrp.AddSource(WMENC_SOURCE_TYPE.WMENC_VIDEO);
SrcVid.SetInput(@"C:\Users\jacoba\Videos\Untitled.jpg", "", ""); //Bitmap file (.bmp, .gif or .jpg file)
// Crop 2 pixels from each edge of the video image.
SrcVid.CroppingBottomMargin = 2;
SrcVid.CroppingTopMargin = 2;
SrcVid.CroppingLeftMargin = 2;
SrcVid.CroppingRightMargin = 2;
// Specify a file object in which to save encoded content.
IWMEncFile File = Encoder.File;
File.LocalFileName = curentFolder + @"\OutputFile.wmv";
// Choose a profile from the collection.
IWMEncProfileCollection ProColl = Encoder.ProfileCollection;
IWMEncProfile Pro;
for (int i = 0; i < ProColl.Count; i++)
Pro = ProColl.Item(i);
if (Pro.Name == "Windows Media Video 8 for Broadband (PAL, 700 Kbps)") //"Screen Video/Audio High (CBR)"
// Fill in the description object members.
IWMEncDisplayInfo Descr = Encoder.DisplayInfo;
Descr.Author = "Author name";
Descr.Copyright = "Copyright information";
Descr.Description = "Text description of encoded content";
Descr.Rating = "Rating information";
Descr.Title = "Title of encoded content";
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter when the file has been encoded.");
Console.ReadLine(); // Press Enter after the file has been encoded.
catch (Exception e)