Convert VB to c# can someone please help.

Sep 12 2008 10:25 AM

Can someone please help?  I am trying to convert a program from VB to C# and I am struggling to convert the following.

Dim WinRoot As String ' Root of Windows Directory

Const ToolRoot = "\\dfw30805\data\OMC_Apps\OMC_Common\" ' Root for Tools Directory

' Function Procedure to convert password into SecureString

Function ConvertToSecureString(ByVal str As String)

Dim password As New SecureString

For Each c As Char In Str.ToCharArray



Return password

End Function

And I also need the following code converted also.

Dim LDAPString As String

Dim ContextName


LDAPString = "LDAP://CN=" & Environ$("username") & ",OU=users,OU=510001,OU=OMC_Pilot,OU=Projects,DC=link4,DC=gpn,DC=gov,DC=uk"


ContextName = GetObject(LDAPString)

LabContext.Text = ContextName.FirstName & " " & ContextName.LastName & " on " & Environ$("computername")


LabContext.Text = "User : " & Environ$("username") & " on " & Environ$("computername")

End Try

I would very much appreciate any help I can get.

Best regards


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