convert office documents to pdfs

Jun 7 2009 3:08 PM
Hi  everyone

I have a C# program in a server to convert office documents to pdfs.
The problem occurs with some documents that require the user intervention, for example print xls files with reference to another documents, as the program is running in a server nobody can't answer it.
I'm using Adobe Distiller and Interop for Office 2003.

does anyone knows how to avoid the user questions (like a parameter for yestoall or not all)?

Excerpt of code:

Excel.ApplicationClass appExcel = new Excel.ApplicationClass();         
string defaultPrinter = "Adobe PDF";
Excel.WorkbookClass xls = (Excel.WorkbookClass)appExcel.Workbooks.Open(....)
Excel.Worksheet sheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xls.Worksheets[1];
