I can acheive this code in class component.but now i want this in functional hook.my fuctional component knowledge is low compared to class component.can anyone convert this class to functional.
constructor(props) { super(props); this.state={ selectedOption: [] , Dropdownlist:[], setSelectedValue:[], Details: [] , ImageDisplay: ' } this.submit = this.submit.bind(this); this.dropdown = this.dropdown.bind(this); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); } getValues(apiValues) { let previousValue = []; let names = apiValues[0].profile_name.split(","); let ids = apiValues[0].user_id.split(","); let index = 0; if (names.length === ids.length) { names.forEach((item) => { let data = { value: ids[index].toString(), label: item }; index++; previousValue.push(data); }); } this.setState({ selectedOption: previousValue }); } submit() { let user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user')); const accessToken = user; console.log(accessToken); fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: { "Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken, "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Access-Control-Request-Headers " }, }).then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { this.getValues(data); this.setState({ Details: data }); })} dropdown() { let user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user')); const accessToken = user; console.log(accessToken); fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: { "Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken, "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Access-Control-Request-Headers " }, }).then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { this.setState({ Dropdownlist: data }); console.log("dropdown",data); }); } handleChange(value, actionDetails) { let items = [...this.state.selectedOption]; if (actionDetails.action === "remove-value") { if (items) { var index = -1; items.forEach((item, i) => { if (item.label === actionDetails.removedValue.label && item.value === actionDetails.removedValue.value) { index = i; return; } }); if (index > -1) { items.splice(index, 1); } } } else { items.push(actionDetails.option); } this.setState({ selectedOption: items }); } componentDidMount() { window.addEventListener('load', this.submit); this.submit(); window.addEventListener('load', this.dropdown); this.dropdown(); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('load', this.submit); this.submit(); window.addEventListener('load', this.dropdown); this.dropdown(); } render() { const {Details,Dropdownlist,setSelectedValue} = this.state; let selectedValue = []; let selectedLabel = []; this.state.selectedOption && this.state.selectedOption.forEach((item) => { selectedValue.push(item.value); selectedLabel.push(item.label); }); let unique = [...new Set(selectedLabel)] console.log(unique); let unique2 = [...new Set(selectedValue)] console.log(unique2); return ( <div style={{width: '300px'}}> <Select isClearable={false} placeholder={"Select Mates"} styles={this.customStyles} menuPortalTarget={document.querySelector('body')} value={this.state.selectedOption} onChange={this.handleChange} selectedValue={true} hideSelectedOptions={false} options={Dropdownlist.map(e => ({ label: e.Name, value: e.Id}))} isMulti theme={theme => ({ ...theme, colors: { ...theme.colors, neutral50: 'white', }, })} /> <input type="hidden" name="user_id" defaultValue={unique2} /> {Details.map(Det=> <input type="hidden" name="default_userid" defaultValue={Det.user_id} />)} </div> ); } }