George George

George George

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Conflciting in strong name assembly

Oct 27 2008 8:56 AM

Hello everyone,

I am developing an assembly class library (DLL) and an application is using it. I made strong name sign to the DLL.

The current issue is,

- The application is built with stong name signed DLL version 1;
- When I upgrade GAC to uninstall version 1 DLL and install new version 2 DLL, and run the application again (without making the application built again with version 2 DLL), the application will crash.

Is there some solution which could make the client application automatically use the lastest version DLL without rebuild the client application? I did not change any exposed interface of the class library (I just changed some internal implementation) and I do not want to make client application rebuild to make things easier.

thanks in advance,