Nico Callewaert

Nico Callewaert

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Complexeity of real C# code compared to tutorials

Mar 5 2014 6:01 AM
Hi all,
I'm wondering already long time why tutorials compared to real examples are so different. I mean, I learned C# from a good book. In understood the chapters and the examples. But afterwards I studied a real program that was running in a production environment, I didn't understand a single thing of it anymore. Real code seems so very different in complexity compared to books. I'm wondering where such people get the knowledge that no book seems to cover or they just enjoy themselves writing overly complex code that nobody except themselves seems to understand ?? Also if you download source code let's say from MySQL server or other systems, it's really not understandable and it's code that is not even near to the ones you find in tutorials.
Just wondering how to get to such level of programming or maybe that is not needed ?
Thanks a lot in advance,

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