Friends it is very urgent.................just read.I have two DropDownList from which i can select database andI have two CheckBoxList from which i can select table .
when i select any database from DropDownList1 then corresponding table names appear in CheckBoxList1.similarly in DropDownList2....
PROBLEM is as follows.........when i select table name from CheckBoxList1 and CheckBoxList2, then matching records from both selected tables (I can select multiple table also) should be displayed (using inner joine).I used this query but syntax error.........? plz can u modify in the same query or ur wish.
cmd=new SqlCommand("SELECT " +"'DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString()'"+ +"'CheckBoxList1.SelectedItem.ToString()'"+ " .Name, "+"'DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString()'"+ +"'CheckBoxList1.SelectedItem.ToString()'"+ " .Phone FROM "+"'DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString()'"+ +"'CheckBoxList1.SelectedItem.ToString()'"+ " as s1 INNER JOIN "+"'DropDownList2.SelectedValue.ToString()'"+ +"'CheckBoxList2.SelectedItem.ToString()'"+ " as s2 ON s1.Phone=s2.Phone" ,con);
plz can u help me in C#)...Thanks a lot...Mujtaba