Combobox update problem

Jan 14 2011 8:32 AM
hey guys...i am loading my combobox from my Hosting table and there i save ipAdresses with ","(if it is more than one)..and i load them combobox by splitting...but the thing is when i want to update the record i cant save them back as i loaded at the beginning..i use that codes to update 
string NsDizi = hostForm.cmbNs.Text;
for (int i = 0; i < hostForm.cmbNs.Items.Count-1; i++)
   NsDizi += hostForm.cmbNs.Items[i].ToString() + ",";
hostForm.textBox1.Text = NsDizi;
cmmd.Parameters["@_ns"].Value = hostForm.textBox1.Text;
  so how i can update my datas in combobox 

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