Mehmet Fatih

Mehmet Fatih

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combining three different variables under one name

Jan 9 2024 12:03 PM

 I want to combine the three variables that I defined separately in selenium and turn them into a single name. But I couldn't put it together. Where am I making a mistake?

var okulno = drv.FindElement(By.Id("txtOkulNo")).Text; // ögrenci no
 var adi = drv.FindElement(By.Id("txtAdi")).Text; // ögrenci adi
 var soyadi = drv.FindElement(By.Id("txtSoyadi")).Text; // ögrenci soyadi
 var jpgname = "" + okulno + "  " + adi + "  " + soyadi + "";   // The line I want to solve

 WebElement upload_file = (WebElement)drv.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id=\"flResimSec\"]"));
 upload_file.SendKeys(Application.StartupPath + "\\resimler\\" + jpgname + ".jpg");

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