narasiman rao

narasiman rao

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Combining the two sql queries

Jul 11 2015 7:51 AM
  First query as follows

select cmn_minor_code as Course_Name, convert(char,cbm_batch_start_dt,106) as Course_date, cbm_batch_id as Batch_ID
from co_batch_master
where cbm_active <. 'd'
and cbm_batch_start_dt between convert(datetime,'06-Jul-2015',6)
and convert(datetime,'06-Jul-2015',6) order by cbm_batch_start_dt

When i run the first query output as follows
Course_Name Course_date Batchid

AFF 12 jun 2015 B8753

Second query as follows

select count(*) as No_of_students
from student s,course_registration cr,batch_course_registration bcr,co_batch_master cbm where cr.stud_id = s.stud_id and cr.cr_bill_no = bcr.cr_bill_no and bcr.bcr_batch_id = cbm.cbm_batch_id and cbm.cbm_active <> 'D' and cr.cr_active = 'A' and s.stud_active <>'D' and cbm_batch_id = 'B8753'

When i run the second query output as follows


I want to combine the first query and second query and output i want as follows

Course_Name Course_date Batchid No_of_students

AFF 12 jun 2015 B8753 24 

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