Scott Stewart

Scott Stewart

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Collection not populating except when stepping through the code.

Jun 10 2024 5:10 PM


public void MainWindowViewModel()
    var ports = LoadInstruments();
    if (ports.Count == 0)         //ports.Count = 0 when NOT stepping through.

    Public ObservableCollection<Instrument> LoadInstuments()
    InstComs inst=new();
    return inst.GetInstPortsAsync();   //Also tried awaiting this.

in InstComs Class

    public async Task<ObservableCollection<InstrumentViewModel>> GetInstrumentPortsAsync()
       ObservableCollection<InstrumentViewModel> ports = new();
       foreach (string port in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
           SerialPort sp = new()
               PortName = port,
               ReadBufferSize = 1024,
               DiscardNull = true,
               RtsEnable = true,
               DtrEnable = true,
               ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1,
               BaudRate = 9600,
               StopBits = StopBits.One,
               Parity = Parity.None,
               DataBits = 8

               if (sp.IsOpen)
                   string instID = await Task.Run(()=> GetInstrumentId(sp));
                   if (instID != null)
                       if (instID.ToString().Contains("InstNo"))
                           InstrumentViewModel ivm = new();
                           ivm.Parity = sp.Parity;
                           ivm.StopBits = sp.StopBits;
                           ivm.InstID = instID.ToString().Split(',').ElementAt(2);
                           ivm.BaudRate = sp.BaudRate;
                           ivm.PortName = sp.PortName;
                           ivm.DataBits = 8;
                           ivm.RTSEnabled = sp.RtsEnable;
                           ivm.DTREnabled = sp.DtrEnable;
                           ivm.Port = sp;
                           ivm.IsConnected = true;
           catch (InvalidOperationException)
              //Handle it
       return ports;

   Public Task<string> GetInstrumentID(string port)
        string response = string.Empty;
        while (sp.BytesToRead > 0)
            respose += sp.ReadExisting();
        return response.Replace("\r", "").Trim();
         //Do the catch stuff

When I step through the code, it works perfectly. The instrument is returned and appears in the list view in the main view with all of the data. If I just run it (in debug mode) the instruments collection remains empty. The MainWindowView has a ListView that is bound to the Instruments collection. 

Yes, a lot of code has been removed or left out. But none of it has a bearing on the way this behaves. I have tried awaiting GetInstrumentID. I have tried awaiting GetInstrumentPorts. None of it makes a difference. I have even tried a pause using Thread.Sleep(1000) to slow things down and that didn't help.

Any ideas?



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