zarfishan zahid

zarfishan zahid

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CodePorting has Renewed Free Account and Monthly Pricing Plans

Aug 24 2012 2:46 AM

CodePorting has always acknowledged the applauding feedback from their customers and it has also helped them to improve and deliver more better results.  User's feedbacks, suggestions and praises have shown great interest among the developers across the world. CodePorting has renewed their monthly pricing plans according to their customers and their requirements. They have changed their pricing plans after getting feedbacks from customers to offer them a procing plans that fits their requirements. Users will now have a choice to choose from any monthly package and upgrade to another according to their project requirements. These pricing plans have been designed according to project size, number of solutions and LoC conversion. User can go through the details and choose the  plan for suitable for their project.


Codeporrting is offering Free Trial Account for users to convert their code for free and help them explore the application. This way users can test the application and assess its performance nad get satisfied before going for any pricing plan.  With free trial account user can upload project with 1000 LoC in size and convert a maximum of 500 lines of code. Previously C#2Java Library service was available only for paid users but now it is available for free trial accounts also now users can  convert and complile it as well for 30 days of trial period.


CodePorting's monthly pricing plans are designed to best fit user's requirements and users can choose any packsge that fits them best.  CodePorting's Bronze plan is perfect to start with becaise it allows user to convert 25,000 lines of code. Likewise, Silver package allows you to convert 2 Projects with total of 50,000 lines of code. If you are looking for pricing plan that offers more project then go for Gold Pacakge because with this plan you can convert 3 projects with 150,000 lines of code in total. Diamond plan is for those users who have 5 projects to convert and upto 300,000 lines of codes.


If your project of quite large and does not meet with any of the available plans then user have the option to go for custom plan. All they have to do is share their project requirement with codeporting's Sales team and they will provide them the best fit plan according to their requirements.

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