Hye iam working on a chess game . My selection and movement of pieces in game is dependent upon Mouse Down event as the thingi is being developed in OnPaint event . However , i am working on the idea that if the number of clicks of mouse is 1 it selects the piece and then when i click 2nd time it puts the piece there as in EVEN number of clicks . Naow i have created objects for all squares in the board with their i and j position on matrix BOARD and x and y position signifying coordinates . What i do not figure out is a way IS1 - When i click in another square i want the piece to disappear from the previous box and redraw in the new box .2- Wherever i click in the box the piece is put at the exact minimum pixel location rather than missing out the coordinates and being put somewhere on the edge of the square.3- The declaration of objects of boxes with info on i,j matrix position and the x, y coordinate info should be in 1- MAIN 2- BOARD CLASS (if yes how will it be accessible to mouse down) 3- MOUSE DOWN EVENT 4- The status function which finds out whether there is a piece in that box already or not . Where should this function be and any ideas regarding all of this will be really really really appreciable .
Looking forward to your responses and magnanimous input . REALLY appreciate any help guyz ....... ASAP