foo foolios

foo foolios

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Checking last index of the array giving me a problem. VS2005 C#

Aug 5 2007 10:48 PM
        private void CreateMaze(int h, int w)
            int r = h * w;
            Room[] rooms = new Room[r];
            Random rm = new Random();
            int newrm = rm.Next(0, r);
            int nrmcntr = newrm;
                rooms[newrm].rWall = "|";
                if (newrm == rooms.Length() -1)
                    newrm = 0;
                newrm += 1;
            while (newrm != nrmcntr);

At the line:
if (newrm == rooms.Length() -1)
I am trying to compare an integer to the last index of an array of room objects.

I get the error:
Method name expected    
at that line but have no clue.

Thank you in advance for any explanations.

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