Vivek Joy

Vivek Joy

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CheckBox Selection

Sep 1 2015 6:59 AM
 My need is
i have a radcheckbox and rad grid.while selecting or ticking the checkbox it will select whole row and after i press update button that row should be updated .How can I do This?Can anyone Help Me?
I have to do this in C#
My code is this
for (int i = 0; i < DeleteGridView1.Rows.Count;i++)
String cguid = DeleteGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
Program.StrSql = "update QbCompany set ActiveFlag = 0 Where CompanyGUID='"+ cguid + "'";
cmd.Connection = Program.QbSysDbCon;
cmd.CommandText = Program.StrSql;

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