Sushant Torankar

Sushant Torankar

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Changing Text of CheckboxList Item

Jun 25 2024 3:47 PM


Can i change Text of CheckboxList ListItem codebehind in

I have checkboxlist . for ex :

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxList1" runat="server" RepeatLayout="OrderedList" Width="432px">                 
                 <asp:ListItem Value="1">COBOL</asp:ListItem>  
                 <asp:ListItem Value="2">PERL</asp:ListItem>  
                <asp:ListItem Value="3">JAVA</asp:ListItem>  

I am binding checkboxlist on dropdownlist selected index change event.
I want to change text PERL to PHP on one of dropdown selection, as I am using only one Checkboxlist on all dropdown selection, so i just want to change text of one of the listitem

Thanks ! 

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