Deena eliz

Deena eliz

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changing hashtable value of particular key in c#

May 8 2015 3:22 AM
HI everyone,,

This is my code for add data into  hashtable and modify particulat value..

Hashtable HT = new Hashtable();
        int val = 0;

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HT.Add(textBox2.Text, val);
            HT.Add(textBox3.Text, val);
            HT.Add(textBox4.Text, val);

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in HT)
                MessageBox.Show(de.Key + " " + de.Value);


 i have added some values in hashtable as above code.. if i  add same data again it should check with all the keys. if it is exist, value should be increase.. i did this some wat as below code

 int val1 = 0;
            if (HT.ContainsKey(textBox5.Text))
                HT[textBox5.Text] = ++val;

            else if (!HT.ContainsKey(textBox5.Text))
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in HT)
                MessageBox.Show(de.Key + " " + de.Value);


but am getting wrong answer.. if i add same key, the value should increase as 1.. then i add another same key the value should come as also 1(0+1)  but its showing 2 (1+1)

please anyone clear my doubt..
thanks in advance..

Attachment: globaldata.rar