mari muthu

mari muthu

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Change icon in Google map ?

Dec 20 2017 12:28 AM
I have done the google map vehicle Tracking functionality. but I have to change my vehicle like truck or bus. here I have done by using car. I have given my code what I have tried.

Please help me with this.

I've tried lots of references but unable to get the accurate results. please help me how to change the icon like Truck or Bus.. 
  1. var car = "M17.402,0H5.643C2.526,0,0,3.467,0,6.584v34.804c0,3.116,2.526,5.644,5.643,5.644h11.759c3.116,0,5.644-2.527,5.644-5.644 V6.584C23.044,3.467,20.518,0,17.402,0z M22.057,14.188v11.665l-2.729,0.351v-4.806L22.057,14.188z M20.625,10.773 c-1.016,3.9-2.219,8.51-2.219,8.51H4.638l-2.222-8.51C2.417,10.773,11.3,7.755,20.625,10.773z M3.748,21.713v4.492l-2.73-0.349 V14.502L3.748,21.713z M1.018,37.938V27.579l2.73,0.343v8.196L1.018,37.938z M2.575,40.882l2.218-3.336h13.771l2.219,3.336H2.575z M19.328,35.805v-7.872l2.729-0.355v10.048L19.328,35.805z";  
  2.    var icon = {  
  3.        path: car,  
  4.        scale: .7,  
  5.        strokeColor: 'white',  
  6.        strokeWeight: .10,  
  7.        fillOpacity: 1,  
  8.        fillColor: '#404040',  
  9.        offset: '5%',  
  10.        // rotation: parseInt(heading[i]),  
  11.        anchor: new google.maps.Point(10, 25) // orig 10,50 back of car, 10,0 front of car, 10,25 center of car  
  12.    };  

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