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CDO Problem, but not always.

Dec 21 2004 5:01 AM
Hi all, I have a problem. I use the Framework (1.1) to send Emails from an ASP.NET application. There are around 5 forms use the functions, 2 without problems and the rest give the error: "Could not access 'CDO.Message' object.". Does anyone have any ideas? The code I use is identical in all forms, just the content changes. [CODE] oMail.SMTPServer = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["smtpServer"].ToString(); oMail.Bcc = txtAdresse.Value; oMail.Von = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Nlemail"].ToString(); oMail.Betreff = "Newsletter Bestätigung"; oMail.Text = sBody; oMail.Format = MailFormat.Text; string sResult = oMail.EmailSenden(); [/CODE] I have checked all the fields are correct and all is fine. Thanks in advance,