Karthi Keyan

Karthi Keyan

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Catastrophic failure error..

Mar 28 2016 3:41 AM
hi. i am trying to connect biometric device with my coding. at the time of setting ip address i got the error "Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))". 
i search the several result but i can't understand. can any one help me. how to fix this problem. is this problem occurred due to system problem or problems in coding.
my coding for connect.
in this FP_CLOCK is ocx dll file.
string ip = "";
int port = 5005;
int password = 0;
int machinenumber = 1;
int flag = Convert.ToInt32(true);
FP_CLOCK fp = new FP_CLOCK();
fp.SetIPAddress(ip,port,password);      // here is the error occurred.
//DataTable dts = QueryServiceClass.AdapterQuery("select * from Attendance_TB");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace);

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