A Repasky

A Repasky

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CASE WHEN problem

Apr 16 2013 9:14 PM

I get an error on the last "as" after the "end" in the statement.  I am not sure what I did wrong.  Can anyone help with this.  My boss said I would not get it.

Thanks for the help ahead of time.

WHEN ClaimsDetail.AllowedAmt = ClaimsDetail.NotCoveredAmt and ClaimsDetail.NotCoveredAmt != 0 then 'Denied'

else CASE WHEN ClaimsDetail.NetAmt != 0 or ClaimsDetail.CopayAmt != 0 or ClaimsDetail.DeductAmt != 0or (ClaimsDetail.OICPaidAmount != 0 and ClaimsDetail.AllowedAmt != ClaimsDetail.NotCoveredAmt)then 'Paid' else CASE WHEN ClaimsDetail.AllowedAmt = ClaimsDetail.NotCoveredAmt and ClaimsDetail.NotCoveredAmt != 0 then 'Denied'

else CASE WHEN ClaimsDetail.NetAmt != 0 or ClaimsDetail.CopayAmt != 0 or ClaimsDetail.DeductAmt != 0 or (ClaimsDetail.AllowedAmt != 0 and ClaimsDetail.AllowedAmt != ClaimsDetail.NotCoveredAmt)

or (ClaimsDetail.OICPaidAmount != 0 and ClaimsDetail.NotCoveredAmt = 0) then 'Paid' end as ClaimStatus,

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