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Case insensitive search

Oct 3 2012 10:03 PM
I this program when input is catch-22 relevant output is "not found". Please fix the error.

Also whether it is possible to use Array.IndexOf in this program.

using System;
using System.Collections; //needed to do case insensitive search
public class DebugSix04
public static void Main()
String[] books = { "Rich Dad", "Poor Dad", "Catch-22", "Harry Potter", "Programming Using C#", "Wizard of Oz", "The Deep" };
IComparer comparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(); //lower case input will be realized as upper case letter

Array.Sort(books, comparer);

Console.Write("What book are you looking for? ");

string enterBookName = Console.ReadLine();

int x = Array.BinarySearch(books, enterBookName, comparer);

if (x < 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} not found", enterBookName);
Console.WriteLine("Yes, we carry {0}", books[x]);


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